Seize Opportunities To Deliver Value With Your CX Program

The job of a customer experience (CX) professional can be described as mastering the art of “sensing” and “seizing.” The sensing part of the equation is the gathering of information to gain a deeper understanding of the customer. Among other things, sensing reveals customers’ concerns, their needs, and where opportunities and risks lie within the customer relationship.

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Value Planning: The Connection Between CX Outcomes and Business Objectives

Launching any new initiative usually starts with three questions: Why are we doing this? Why is now the right time? What do we want to achieve? Consider a recent business project or a personal plan. Asking these questions defines the need, the urgency, and the end goal. The answers illustrate what is possible and why those opportunities are important right now.

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What is Employee Experience (EX) Management?

Customer experience and employee experience are inextricably linked. Every customer experience has an associated employee experience. World-class experiences don’t just happen. They need to be intentionally managed – crafted, executed, and refined over the long term.

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