Monitoring Customer Experience: Moving Past “Same Old Same Old”

Whether you’ve been in business for one year or have decades of experience in your industry, one thing is true for everyone: Nothing is the same as when you started. Your products and services have changed to meet the needs of an ever-changing customer base. And the rapid pace of technological advancement has compelled you to stay current and deliver an ever-evolving digital experience.

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X- and O-Data Integration: Know These Two Essential Starting Points

As today’s businesses look for the best ways to get and stay ahead, meaningful integration of experience and operational data is fast becoming a “must-do.” When done right, X- and O-data integration offers tremendous value, especially as the integration matures to render more personalized customer experiences and opportunities to establish a true return on investment of customer experience (CX) initiatives.

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Understanding Role-Based Enablement for Your Team

Simply saying “customers first” does little to make the words a reality. How employees understand, embrace, and apply this mentality to their jobs moves companies from aspirational thinking to actual practice. That is why role-based enablement is a key part of managing the customer experience (CX).

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