CX Storytelling: Transforming Thought and Action

Don’t you wish you could be a fly on the wall after one of your presentations? It’s common after a presentation that people will tell you, “Nice job” or “Good stuff.” But what did they really think? Did they find it valuable? More importantly, did you have the desired impact to effectively transform the way they think and the way they act?

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The business-savvy CX leader

As Customer Experience (CX) professionals, we all have some of the same tools at our disposal – journey mapping, surveys, design thinking, etc. But some CX pros just seem to be able to get more out of them. They are better able to connect the dots between customer needs and changes the organization needs to make or set in motion the plan to get things done.

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Execs Don’t Take Surveys

Let’s just be honest. C-level leaders don’t take a lot of web surveys. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t NEED their feedback. It also doesn’t mean they don’t WANT to share feedback. Without it, sometimes we’re looking at a very incomplete picture of the customer experience.

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CX Storytelling: Context Can Make a Big Difference

Like most business professionals, customer experience leaders are commonly called upon to deliver presentations. When we’re preparing, we often think about what we want to say. However, sometimes it helps to take a step back and ask, “What is this really all about?” In other words, what type of presentation is this going to be and what are you really trying to achieve?

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Being a Catalyst for CX Change

None of us is in CX to track and trend metrics. Sure, we will all celebrate a significant increase in our customer loyalty or advocacy metric but that isn’t really our ultimate goal. As CX professionals, we are looking to make a difference, engage our organizations and drive meaningful change on behalf of the customer.

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