Tag: XO data

X- and O-Data Integration: Know These Two Essential Starting Points

As today’s businesses look for the best ways to get and stay ahead, meaningful integration of experience and operational data is fast becoming a “must-do.” When done right, X- and O-data integration offers tremendous value, especially as the integration matures to render more personalized customer experiences and opportunities to establish a true return on investment of customer experience (CX) initiatives.

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Data Integration: Integration and Accessibility of all Customer Data Sources to Understand Their Needs and Guide Company Actions

As a CX professional, one way you can improve your program is by making certain you can access, integrate, analyze and use all your data to make better informed decisions about how you deliver experiences to customers and employees. Sounds easy, right? But with silos and tech platforms that don’t connect, accessing and using all your data can be tougher than you’d expect.

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