Tag: strategy

What Is Customer Experience (CX)? Your Complete Guide

Customer experience (CX) comprises every interaction a consumer has with a business, from product discovery to post-purchase support. Everything a company does influences how the customer perceives the brand, if they feel satisfied, and whether they keep coming back. Building a strong CX program across an organization contributes to better brand loyalty, more repeat business,… Read more »

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Strategic Decision-Making: Transforming Insights Into Action

What if we started to think of problems as strategic opportunities? When reframed from “challenge to solve” into “chance to change,” problems create a valuable time to capture diverse data and put new processes or systems in place. The higher-level thinking makes the business better long-term—and contributes to its vision and goals for the future.

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Value Planning: The Connection Between CX Outcomes and Business Objectives

Launching any new initiative usually starts with three questions: Why are we doing this? Why is now the right time? What do we want to achieve? Consider a recent business project or a personal plan. Asking these questions defines the need, the urgency, and the end goal. The answers illustrate what is possible and why those opportunities are important right now.

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Drive business success with a custom XM program roadmap

Who doesn’t appreciate a good roadmap? Through its evolution from accordion-folded paper the size of a poster to interactive app on a handheld device, a roadmap shows the way from where you are to where you want to go. Great, right? And whether you’re talking about a cross-country road trip or the journey to building a goal-oriented experience management (XM) program, a roadmap is an essential tool to help you get there.

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