2024 CX Day Webinar

Checking Our Pulse: How Does Your CX Program Compare?

Part of human nature is to wonder how we compare with others. While this is true of a wide range of personal issues, it is also true in the world of CX. We want to know how others manage their CX strategies and programs. And the CXPA supports this through sharing, learning, inspiration, and monitoring the perceived value of CX within organizations.

With this in mind Walker teamed up with the CXPA to launch the CX Leader Pulse, a series of brief, timely studies designed to help CX leaders benchmark their program activities against others.

In this CX Day webcast we discussed:

  • The current state of CX perceived value to organizations
  • Findings from our first two studies on CX governance and CX listening methods
  • What’s behind the data – practical ways to put the findings to use
  • How you can get involved in the CX Leader Pulse

Check out the discussion from CX Day!


Troy Powell, Ph.D.
Troy Powell, Ph.D.
Vice President, Strategy & Analytics
Sean Clayton
Sean Clayton, CCXP
SVP, Advisory & Managed Services